Connection is Everything
I believe that human connectivity is the answer to everything. If we, as human beings, can become powerfully connected to ourselves and to each other then there is no problem we cannot solve, no trial that cannot be overcome, and no disaster from which we cannot recover. Connection is everything.
Human connectivity happens on three main levels:
- With one's self (intrapersonal)
- With others (interpersonal)
- With the broad human culture and environment
As human beings, we are currently undergoing a significant shift in the ways we communicate with each other. Technology has blown the channels wide open and is now enabling us to connect in ways, and on a scale, totally unimaginable just a few short decades ago. As we move through this transition we must remember that communicating does not necessarily equate with connecting, and connection is vital to our sense of well-being, our happiness, and our satisfaction in our lives. When we feel lost, it is necessary that we reestablish our "connection" at the point(s) it has been broken (or has never been established in the first place).
Connection is everything.
This blog is dedicated to the concept and promise of human connectivity.
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